Saturday, October 22, 2011

Gender Roles - Sierra Armstrong

Gender Roles - Sierra Armstrong

Many religions such as Islam and Christianity have very set ideas of what gender does what. It says that woman was made from man's rib. Some people (who have been generalized as a whole religion from others) say that women are to serve man because she was made from him. This is not true, she was made from his side to be close to him. I think that American society provides for only two genders because, since early settlers men and women have had very different roles. Men hunted, protected, and provided or the family. Women have been home-makers, take care of children, and cooked. Since then we have grown up that way. Dad is out working and mom at home. I also think that we view gender roles fifferently because of the jobs and education that men and women have. A lot of men are in the military. Until recently, women were not in the armed forces to fight. They were there only to be nurses. They took care of the men. Also men used to be the ones who went off to college. They received the degree and then got a job. Women didn't attend college, so they stayed at home to be housewives. They took care of the house and the children. Those views are changing because more and more women are joining the military and attending colege. There are earnng the same degrees, and getting ths same jobes. They are becoming more equal to men and their jobs. But, there are still women who are housewives, so even though we are changing and progressing we still have our same ideas about gender roles.


  1. I am Christian, and was raised in a very Christian home, yet my mom was the one who was always working and making the money, and my dad was the one who stayed home and cared for my sister and I. I grew up seeing her support him, and seeing him still treat her like she should be cleaning up after him and cooking all meals. Thus, not only is that what I think of when I consider gender roles and the way men think of women and vice versa, but also I see myself taking after my parents, and I am always spending my money on my boyfriend even when he doesn't need anything. I feel like it is my duty to be his support although he is completely capable of supporting himself. So this is why I see women as "subordinate to men."

    However, I completely agree with you that views are ever-changing about women and their capabilities, as they realize that we can fight and defend our country, that we can play sports and get college degrees, and that we can be doctors and study social sciences, etc. Maybe soon we will surpass equivalency to men, and society will see women as the "reason" for men's existence. :)

  2. I also believe that we were brought up to believe in two genders and two genders only. That is just the way it is. Recently that is changing because like you said "recently women are allowed to fight in the armed forces". Men and women's roles are changing and that will continue to change.

  3. Religion is a large part of an individual's culture, and culture is what helps define gender roles. This may help to explain why different religions would expect their followers to behave in certain ways depending on gender. The dominant male isn't the universal gender role, but it's a pretty strong one even today. Although I wouldn't say women are completely subordinate to men now, but many women do still rely on a man for some things. For example, I am very independent and self-reliant, but it is very nice to have a guy lift some heavy stuff or change my oil in my car. Then I'll be "Miss Susie Homemaker" and make the guy dinner. It's not bad, it's just how things are. Women can be completely subordinate to men when they decide to, but the main gender roles for both men and women have certainly changed.
