As a white girl I am extremely priveleged, and aware of it. I am considered an "average American" by many people, no matter what their race or ethnicity, and people who are not white often look at me as if I think I am better than them. The truth is, I don't think I'm better than anyone, or that anyone is better than me. I may be either more or less talented than some people; but as far as being a "better person," I do not think of myself that way. I do, in a way, relate to "White Privlege" just because I am white, but although I have a supportive family and I get good grades in school, I am unable to find jobs because (without sounding racist, I hope...) hispanics have many of the entry-level positions available that I could qualify for. This tells me that I am not more priveleged than them at all;what you get out of life is up to you as an individual not your race.
...As a German, I have been considered just a "white girl." But I also have a lot of Polish genes, and even some Native American (Cherokee) Indian genes. Because of the European ethnicity that I have, people see me as stingy, priss and proper, but also as wild, down to earth, and smart. I don't understand what these concepts have to do with my ethnicity, but it is obvious what people think of me when they see me, or even meet me. The small bit of Native American in me makes me very close to animals and nature, and very intimate with earth, wind, and water.
...I prefer to keep my sexual orientation to myself, but I do think that heterosexuals are not always more priveleged than homosexuals. In some places they may of course be, where gay marriage is illegal, for instance, but in other places they dominate areas and everything in them, and being straight is just plain odd. The other places left are melting pots of homo- and heterosexuality, structured into an equalized opportunity for both sexual preferences. In "Heterosexual Privelege," the list seemed to be very accurate about how comfortable and how easy it is to be a straight person. But don't people understand that homosexuals, whether this lifestyle is chosen by them or for them, are comfortable in their skin as well, and comfortable in their partner if they have one? Don't people see that these people deserve not to be treated differently in any way? And what about bisexuality...? There are too many people in the world who follow through with either one of these three sexual orientations and judge others who do not choose the same route. But then you're getting made fun of behind your back by the same people you were just making fun of.
It doesn't make sense to me to feel like you can't amount to something that a white person can if you're not white, or something a heterosexual person can if you're homosexual.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Race and Ethnicity - Becca Libby
I have always thought that there are privileges to being white, but reading the White Privilege article was eye opening. I never thought that much into it, but so many of the things listed are things most white people take completely for grated. Growing up there were a lot of black kids in my classes, maybe even more than white kids in elementary and middle school. I never even thought about it until now. I grew up in a very liberal family and was taught to be accepting of people from all ethnic, racial, and religious backgrounds. I feel like for many white people, it is so easy to criticize people from other racial backgrounds, not because white people think they are better but because they are the majority. Poking fun at race, religion, and sexual orientation has become so normal in this country, I feel like most people don't even think about it. Comedians and television programs exploit the differences in race and any other defining factors about people. Many people are used to it, and I'm sure a lot of people are still offended and hurt by it.
In America, we have gotten used to a way of life focused around heterosexual, white men. It has been that way from the beginning. As this country becomes more and more diverse, and as different ways of life are becoming more accepted, these narrow views are changing. I see more and more people every day proudly and happily showing off their sexual orientation, and displaying cultural heritage. It's fabulous! That is what America is supposed to be about, freedom of choice for everyone. I know there are still a lot of old fashioned people, as well as just plain ignorant people, but it is becoming more and more acceptable to be open about your choices. I mean, the KKK still exists, and have quite a few members, but they have absolutely no power, as they did years ago. It just goes to show that kind of thinking it dying off. Thankfully.
In America, we have gotten used to a way of life focused around heterosexual, white men. It has been that way from the beginning. As this country becomes more and more diverse, and as different ways of life are becoming more accepted, these narrow views are changing. I see more and more people every day proudly and happily showing off their sexual orientation, and displaying cultural heritage. It's fabulous! That is what America is supposed to be about, freedom of choice for everyone. I know there are still a lot of old fashioned people, as well as just plain ignorant people, but it is becoming more and more acceptable to be open about your choices. I mean, the KKK still exists, and have quite a few members, but they have absolutely no power, as they did years ago. It just goes to show that kind of thinking it dying off. Thankfully.
Race and ethnicity - Sierra Armstrong
Race and Ethnicity - Sierra Armstrong
I will say that I have had some privledges due to my white race. I think that I have a had some things given to me or offered to me easier because of my race. I certainly don't expect things just because of my race, I do work hard to get what I want. In my work I have also not have special privledges because of my ethnicity. I am a ballroom dancer. Most of the people who are talented, and world renowned ballroom dancers are Russians. And most of the people we deal with in the business are Russian as well. So if you are speaking with them about anything to do ballroom they just automatically assume we don't know what we are talking about becuase we have not studied it since we could crawl. So I have to work even harder to get the kind of recognition the Russian people automatically have. So even though I am white I still a have some prejudices against me because of my ethinicity. I havn't had much issues on hetersexuality personally. I have known people who are homosexual and have had issues concerning their sexual perferences. Either way I believe that no matter what race, ethnicity, sexual perference, it will affect your life at sometime.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Comments by Sierra Armstrong for chapter 10
Comment to Hilary Poe for Chaper 10When I was writing my paragraph I didn't even think of how the recession has affected the American Dream. The recession goes along with what I thought of; rising tuition costs, because if we have a recession who is going to spend the extra money on tuition, dorm, and college life expenses.Comment to Sara Bugler for Chapter 10I agree that the American Dream is not dead but is missing. I do appreciate the films that come out like The Purstuit of Happyness because they can inspire people to go after their dreams if they have lost them.
Class and Caste-Sierra Armstrong
The American Dream is that everyone is equal and has the same rights as everyone else in getting what they want. The American Dream is basically dying out. Many people end of not getting and going after what they really want. I believe that this is because of the rising costs of college tuitions. Everyone has the right to go on to college, but not everyone can afford to go to college, which is the real perception. If they don't receive that upper education then they usually won't have a good job that can support everyone and everything they want in life. The ideal perception is that everyone goes on to college if that's what they want, graduates, and finds a job that they actually wanted. As you can see, the real and ideal perception are complete opposites. Everyone believes in the American Dream, but few actually get their American Dream.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Race and Ethnicity - Stephanie Reynolds
I guess I have to admit that I have had positive experiences concerning my race and ethnicity (which is white). I was fortunate in many things, such as being born healthy and not having to live in hardship and poverty during my life. I wouldn't say that all the opportunities to succeed were given to me because I was white, I had to work for what I have now. In school and growing up, I was taught the value of a person and how to not judge a person solely on the outside, but instead on his or her character.
That being said, the article "White Priviledge" seemed to be written in order to make white individuals look like horrible people. I know that some things on the author's list could be true concerning the mistreatment of not just African Americans, but any "non-white" individual. I really feel that many opportunities have opened up and become available to minorities, it's just up to the individual to seize them and become successful. I know white people did a lot of bad things over the years and hardly treated anyone with respect while America was just starting out, but you can't blame us for everything that's on the author's "white priviledge" list.
Pretty much everyone can criticize the government and its policies; including whites, blacks, Indians, Mexicans, on and on, without having to be considered a cultural outsider. If you don't like something or someone, it's sometimes the norm to speak out against it/them and give your opinion.
In my opinion, being white or black has nothing to do with being able to succeed or not succeed: it comes down to character and perserverance. If an individual is lazy, undependable, tardy all the time, and has a bad attitude, of course he or she is NOT going to succeed in life, regardless if they are black or white. I really get mad when someone comes up with the excuse: I wasn't hired or I got fired because I was minority. NO: you weren't hired/ were fired because you didn't meet the criteria or job specifications the employer was looking for!
In other words, being white hasn't really affected my life. I would have done my absoulte best to become somebody and be a productive member of society regardless of my race/ethnicity or my background.
On the other hand, I think people have become more intolerant towards homosexual people than they have minorities. I have gay friends, and I really see how the "Heterosexual Priviledge" list applies in their daily lives. It seems men and women, whether they are black or white, can be successful in whatever they want, but if they reveal they are homosexual, then their success is in jeopardy. You can't hide your skin color, but you can hide your sexual orientation, which is why I think some heterosexuals make it a big deal if they fnd out someone is gay. Even so, a gay person can be just as successful as a heterosexual person, it comes down to their internal drive and motivation to succeed, and their perservance to keep doing well.
That being said, the article "White Priviledge" seemed to be written in order to make white individuals look like horrible people. I know that some things on the author's list could be true concerning the mistreatment of not just African Americans, but any "non-white" individual. I really feel that many opportunities have opened up and become available to minorities, it's just up to the individual to seize them and become successful. I know white people did a lot of bad things over the years and hardly treated anyone with respect while America was just starting out, but you can't blame us for everything that's on the author's "white priviledge" list.
Pretty much everyone can criticize the government and its policies; including whites, blacks, Indians, Mexicans, on and on, without having to be considered a cultural outsider. If you don't like something or someone, it's sometimes the norm to speak out against it/them and give your opinion.
In my opinion, being white or black has nothing to do with being able to succeed or not succeed: it comes down to character and perserverance. If an individual is lazy, undependable, tardy all the time, and has a bad attitude, of course he or she is NOT going to succeed in life, regardless if they are black or white. I really get mad when someone comes up with the excuse: I wasn't hired or I got fired because I was minority. NO: you weren't hired/ were fired because you didn't meet the criteria or job specifications the employer was looking for!
In other words, being white hasn't really affected my life. I would have done my absoulte best to become somebody and be a productive member of society regardless of my race/ethnicity or my background.
On the other hand, I think people have become more intolerant towards homosexual people than they have minorities. I have gay friends, and I really see how the "Heterosexual Priviledge" list applies in their daily lives. It seems men and women, whether they are black or white, can be successful in whatever they want, but if they reveal they are homosexual, then their success is in jeopardy. You can't hide your skin color, but you can hide your sexual orientation, which is why I think some heterosexuals make it a big deal if they fnd out someone is gay. Even so, a gay person can be just as successful as a heterosexual person, it comes down to their internal drive and motivation to succeed, and their perservance to keep doing well.
Race and Ethnicity
I can see myself in some parts of the article "White Privilege." In someone ways, me being white has its benefits. A lot of things have been easily given to me without asking or any work being involved. I do agree in those areas, that many white males are very privileged. Being white has not really affected me in anyway. I see myself just like everyone else, no better or worse. I have a lot of friends that are of difference races, and I hang out with all of them equally. I do not have a problem with any race, I can accept them as who they are and not by the color of their skin. Being white has not really made my life any different than it should be.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Race and Ethnicity
Read chapter 11 in your text and the following articles:
White Privilege
Heterosexual Privilege
Playing Indian at Halftime
Discuss your own experiences related to your race, ethnicity and/or sexual orientation. If you are white, do you see yourself in the article "White Privilege? How has being white affected your life? If you are not white, have you seen/experienced the negative consequences of white privilege? Has it affected your life and your place in society? What about the article on Heterosexual Privilege? Do you see yourself represented there? If you are Native American, what are your thoughts on the mascot issue (others can weigh in here as well)?
Respond to at least two of your classmates.
Discussion posts are due by Sunday, November 11.
The chapter 11 quiz is available on Moodle.
White Privilege
Heterosexual Privilege
Playing Indian at Halftime
Discuss your own experiences related to your race, ethnicity and/or sexual orientation. If you are white, do you see yourself in the article "White Privilege? How has being white affected your life? If you are not white, have you seen/experienced the negative consequences of white privilege? Has it affected your life and your place in society? What about the article on Heterosexual Privilege? Do you see yourself represented there? If you are Native American, what are your thoughts on the mascot issue (others can weigh in here as well)?
Respond to at least two of your classmates.
Discussion posts are due by Sunday, November 11.
The chapter 11 quiz is available on Moodle.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
American Dream-Sara Bugler
The "American Dream" is pictured in films as the ambitious person taking their dreams of success in their hands and make a fortune doing it. There usually is a happy ending to their stories and everyone comes out smiling. The actualitiy of the american dream is that people will work their whole lives to see that fortune and that may never come. The idea of coming to America, to freedom and equality is not as it is. Equality has been fought for for many years and people are still fighting for it today. Freedom is an idea, not a fact. With the crisis the US is facing more and more people hoping for the American Dream are being turned down at the bank, the mortgage lender, the employer, even the border. I would't go so far to say that the american dream in dead, but it is definitly misisng.
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