Gender Role Comments
Comment to Sam Stangl
Not all religions say that woman is the subordinate. In Christianity they are to be there for him, by his side. Not beneath him. I'm not sure what other religions say about women so, I don't think it's correct to say religion say's women are subordinate.
Comment to Taylor Britt
I also said that American only has two gender roles because it has always been that way. It makes since becuase it has just been solidified in our brain since we were born on what men and women do.
Well in the Christian religion when a woman marries a man she is to be loyal and faithful to him, as well as cook, clean, and raise the kids (of course with his help, but he is thought to be the sole provider for the family moreover). So by subordinate I don't mean she's less of a human being, or that he's her "boss." I just mean that, in most cases, the woman was made by man's spare rib, and thus she was made to accompany man and be "his woman."