Friday, September 30, 2011


The world as a whole views marriage in a lot of different ways. One way is words that are associated marriage one of them being love. The word love to the US means a passionate affection for another person. Where as in the article 'What's Love Got to Do with It' Chinese dialect love is described as an illicit socially disapproved relationship. Just from the passage right there you can see how much the meaning of marriage can change just my going to another state. After reading this articles and the book I can honestly say that it really hasn't changed my beliefs and what marriage means to me as a person.

I've been all cross the world from Turkey to Okinawa. Seen different culture's and all and the thing that I saw is that marriage is what you make it. Just because you come from a area where they handle marriage differently doesn't mean you have to follow it just means that you can take it in consideration. But when it comes down to it it's all about what you feel is the right decision.


  1. That's awesome how you have been able to encounter marriage first hand in different cultures! I think one's view of marriage is apart of being apart of a certain society. Everyone's perspectives are different, but not one is better than the other. Like you stated marriage is what one is comfortable with, and what they feel the right decision is.

  2. I think it is very interesting that you have traveled all around the world and seen how different cultures view marriage. That gives you a whole different outlook when it comes to the subject. There are so many different views on marriage in the world. I believe that marriage should not be arranged and should be a man and a woman that love each other and are meant for each other.

  3. You could not have said it better. Marriage IS what you make it, and nothing else. only you and one other person can make a marriage, but if you trust your family to find you that person to share it with, there is nothing wrong with that. And you're lucky to have travelled so much and experienced these things, I'm sure it impacts you in a positive way.

  4. MArriage is definitely what you make of it. I can remember when I was younger and still in high school I couldn't wait to get married. I thought it was going to be so much fun and everything would fall right into place. Now I wish I could go back to being a kid again. Growing up is not easy thats or sure. I think you have to have love for one another to make it work. Without that you are against the odds. I just don't think I could ever let someone pick out my spouse for me.
