Chapter 5 - Foraging
I believe that anthropologist study foraging societies because we can use that knowledge for the future. We all used to be foraging societies. We used to go out and get our food and supplies. Over time we have transformed from an agriculture society to an industrial society. It is all about how much you can make, how fast you can make it, and how much it will cost you to make it. So many people have lost their jobs in our industrial society to machines who can do their job for less money. People can no longer afford to get the food and supplies that their families need. Anthropologists can use what they have learned from foraging societies and help societies that can no longer thrive successfully in an industrial society.
Foraging truly is about making a living, when you actually think about it foraging is the reason we live the way we do now. At some point as you said in some shape or form we were all foragers at one point in our lives