Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Final Discussion - Becca Libby

I actually took this class a few years ago, and ended up dropping it. I really wanted to stay in the class, because it seemed so interesting, but due to personal crap I dropped that whole semester. I am so glad I decided to take the class again. Going through each subject makes you consider things that you would not think about as in depth in any other situation. I loved all of the articles that Mrs. Reeves chose for us. It is so much more interesting to have some outside reading rather than just the text book. My favorite readings were at the very beginning, the Eskimos were my favorite. My least favorite topic was probably Economics. Although it is a very important aspect of our society, I cannot help but find it incredibly dull.

I will leave this class slightly more enlightened about other peoples views. Having read and responded to other peoples posts about the topics was really eye opening in a lot of cases. It's nice to think about things from another perspective.

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