Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Religion, Sam Stangl

Religion is completely conservative in this society, and many others. For example, Muslims have dress codes, Christians and Catholics deem it neccessary to dress modestly, and Buddhists and Hindus often dress in plain clothes or robes. Language has been created that is special for religion, and use of slang or slanderous language in a religious place is highly inappropriate. In Jerusalem, the conservative side of religion is becoming more modern as the people adapt to ways of the new world. In Haiti, religion is somewhat conservative but not like our culture. Religion in Haiti is influenced by magic, mystery, and voodoo. This religious style is very close to the religion in the Chilean culture that was the topic of my culture analysis.

Religions, especially the more widely practiced ones, are spreading at a high rate. Relgions also are influencing cultures heavily and changing society in a variety of ways. These ways are sometimes discrete, but some of them are very obvious such as our more conservative society, and also literature and personal morale. Religion will continue to shape the world as long as religious people continue to shape their belief systems.

1 comment:

  1. Religion is important because it provides us with a sense of community and comfort that there is something else out there and tells us there is a reason why things happen. It also defines morality and gives of a set of rules that we are supposed to live by.
