Saturday, October 29, 2011

Partisanship in the US government

There is much partisanship in our US government. No members of the two political parties will admit partisan ship to their party, but it is obvious due to the fact that great ideas have been proposed on how to fix our economy. President Obama proposed a few good ideas and bills to fix our economy yet as soon as they hit the Republican controlled Congress his ideas are shot down, and because of this nothing has been done to fix our economy. The Tea party has caught a lot of fire from both the democrats and republicans simply because they are a young and rapidly growing political party. I think the two big parties are afraid due to the idea that they may not make it into office again in the next election. Some other decisions aren't based on just political parties but also religion. The idea of "separation of church and state" is not present in our government today. The refusal to allow mosques to be built in New York and other places evidence of a violation to separation of church and state. I say this because certain officials in the local government are denying Muslims a place to worship simply because it is an Islamic Mosque. In doing they they are being unconstitutional in violating the second amendment of the constitution. There is a lot of partisanship in US politics.


  1. I agree with you, that our government is too partisan. I believe it makes our country weaker. Instead of compromise, we split up into two parties that are like the colors black and white, complete opposites that rarely can agree on a subject at hand. I think religions should definately be able to practice where ever they please it is their right, prejudices should not be made against any religion.

  2. Partisanship is, obviously, rampant in our government, but it's always been this way in America. Since the founding of this county there has been separation of parties based on their bias about whatever issues are at hand. Too much? Absolutely, but out government has done nothing to try and stop the ridiculous disagreements between parties, in fact they seem to try and make them more public.
